Monday, September 8, 2008


well, after i finished the poster...i've edit the final, this is the latest one including the logo (assignment 1)..

the tools that i used for assignment 3...

the tools that i used for assignment 3

the final...

the poster begin!!

7th step

i colour the road used live paint bucket (K) and also the shadow...i use the gradient for the background it means that there still hope for nature to stay healthy in earth....
6th step

5th step

4th step

3rd step

2nd step

1st step

Saturday, September 6, 2008

my sketches..

i will use this word in my poster..i guess..

my references

might be i will use this idea...just a bit....*im not copying

i also want to use this idea

the idea..

based on my research..might be my statement is TAKE REAL ACTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE, MAINTAIN THE NATURE...

the idea~
the future is not somewhere we are going. it is something we are, if we dont care about our will destroyed and not last, we have to care of the earth before the earth disappear and do take action to protect it from destruction....

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

fiNaL wORk...

Assignment 2 (cause & effect)

step by step
1st step

2nd step

3rd step

4th step

5th step

6th step

final work

The meaning of this picture is from top we can see the sun that is so hot and make the sea water become less and decrease. The mountain that is in large amount become less because some of the mountain had been destroyed by human to make the house site, shopping mall, and so on. The brown colour that is in front of the mountain is shows that the soil erosion. Other than that, the brown colour on the right side shows that the soil become more erosion and parched and will make the water less and less until it disappear.

Purple sky – it means that the earth has so many pollution.

Green and grey mountains – means that the mountain always been destroy and it’s not last longer there.

Blue with the effect – shows that the sea water become more lesser.

Brown – shows the ground or soil will make the sea water sink of our sight.

Crack – shows the soil parched and dryness.

Monday, August 18, 2008

sea water..:)

blue water :)


Monday, July 21, 2008

Symbol Of Global Warming (Final Work)....

the step!

1st step....

2nd step....

3rd step....

4th step....

5th step....

global warming symbol.......

my first sketch. I choose the rounded shape to symbolized the spinning of earth because of global warming..
on the right hand side of the picture symbolized the crack that happen when the water is less...
on the left hand side of the picture symbolized the flood such as tsunami, huricane, n etc......

Sunday, July 13, 2008

my 1st sketch

Monday, July 7, 2008

rainbow art


G8 Demotes Climate Change
July 2, 2008
It is worth noting that the preferred “solutions” to climate change—a cap-and-trade scheme and a carbon tax—are designed to increase the price of hydrocarbon energy, including gasoline, so that consumers use less and emit less. It is also true that biofuel policies adopted by developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have contributed to inflation in the price of food.

Opinions Changing on Energy
July 7, 2008 Cooler Heads Digest

According to UPI, the latest nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press finds that half of the respondents now support drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, up from 42 percent in February, 2008. Changing attitudes toward energy were most demonstrated in results showing that the proportion saying it is more important to increase energy conservation and regulation has declined by 10 points, from 55 percent to 45 percent. By contrast, nearly half (47 percent) of Americans now rate energy exploration as the more important priority, up from 35 percent in February. The findings came from a poll conducted June 18-29, 2008 among 2,004 adults.

GLobAL wArMingღ

Blue Planet in Green Shackles

The Competitive Enterprise Institute is proud to announce a provocative new book on environmental policy, Blue Planet in Green Shackles by Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic.President Klaus makes the case that policies being proposed to address global warming are not justified by current science and are, in fact, a dangerous threat to freedom and prosperity around the world.

Klaus argues that the environmental movement has transformed itself into an ideology that seeks to restrict human activities at any cost, while pursuing an impossible utopian dream of a perfectly "natural" world. The supposed threat of human civilization against a fragile Earth has become an article of faith, especially in the realm of global warming activism

Today, the global warming debate raging in both the United States and Europe has become extremely contentious. On both sides of the Atlantic, the debate has metastasized into cultural warfare against economic liberty," writes CEI President Fred L. Smith, Jr. in the book's foreword. "For that reason, pro-freedom voices are needed to reframe the debate to show how a free people can better address the challenges facing Western civilization. To that end, we are proud to publish Blue Planet in Green Shackles...ツ

Opinions Changing on Energy
July 7, 2008 Cooler Heads Digest

According to UPI, the latest nationwide survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press finds that half of the respondents now support drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, up from 42 percent in February, 2008. Changing attitudes toward energy were most demonstrated in results showing that the proportion saying it is more important to increase energy conservation and regulation has declined by 10 points, from 55 percent to 45 percent. By contrast, nearly half (47 percent) of Americans now rate energy exploration as the more important priority, up from 35 percent in February. The findings came from a poll conducted June 18-29, 2008 among 2,004 adults.